frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

There are so many counsellors out there. How do I choose? What should I look for?

Working with couples is different than any other type of counselling. You will want to choose someone who specializes in couples work. One that has additional training in couples and families and one that works frequently with couples.

Does couples therapy actually work? What’s the chances of you actually helping us?

Like with anything else, it depends on how much you put into it. I will only work with couples who are going to dedicate time and effort into making necessary changes. I have seen most couples make changes needed to be happier and more fulfilled in their marriage.

Is it going to cost a lot of money? How much should I expect to spend and how long will we need to come and see you?

It will cost you money. But I would think going through a divorce would be a lot more costly! I would budget 2 or 3 sessions a month for a few months.